September 10, 2017

Twinings Irish Breakfast Tea

Type: Black
Color: Reddish brown
Body: Medium
Flavor: Malty
Strength: 3 out of 5

Twinings Irish Breakfast has a simple yet unmemorable flavor profile. The tea's main characteristic is its maltiness. When you drink the tea, it has a velvety texture that coats your tongue. Besides that, this tea isn't particularly astringent or harsh. It also lacks the usual brightness of an English Breakfast.

Irish Breakfast is unfamiliar to me, so I'll need to try a few different brands. According to my online research, Irish Breakfast contains more Assam, which explains the primary malty flavor of this tea. Unfortunately, adding creamer to Twinings Irish breakfast dilutes the "subtle" flavor, so I'm suspicious that this tea isn't strong enough for my liking (or strong enough in general).

Because of its smooth taste, I found that Twinings Irish Breakfast shines more as an iced tea. It's very refreshing and clean-tasting-- perfect for a warm day!

Conclusion: Twinings Irish Breakfast has more texture than a unique flavor profile. Great as an iced tea, but I would personally skip it for a hot morning brew.

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