May 4, 2017

Wedgwood English Breakfast

Type: Black
Color: Deep reddish-brown
Body: Medium
Flavor: Malty, bright, slight astringency
Strength: 3 out of 5

Okay, okay. I got this because of the pretty packaging.

Wedgwood English Breakfast is a little finicky to brew. If you use less tea leaves, it’s fairly bland. Use heaping teaspoons to get better flavor. The leaves are tiny, so there might be a lot of Assam in this.

This tea leans towards the malty side of black tea. It still has a bit of astringency, which almost reminds me of citrus. Weird huh. Oversteeping the tea will make it bitter, even for second steepings.

I prefer drinking this straight rather than milked because the flavor gets diluted. There’s enough tea flavor for milk, but I drink my milky teas extra strong. If you read my daily milk tea recipes, you’ll know what’s wrong with me.

Conclusion: Wouldn’t mind keeping this in my cupboard if it were easier to find. It can spice up my usual English Breakfast routine.

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