April 28, 2017

Tetley British Blend

Type: Black
Color: Reddish-brown
Body: Light-Medium
Flavor: Mild, slightly bitter, “mossy,” forgettable
Strength: 2 out of 5

Damn. I drank three Tetley tea bags today just to figure out the flavor, and I still don’t get it. I’m sitting here, caffeinated, at 12 AM hammering out this review because I had the last two steepings around dinner time.

Maybe there’s not much to get?

Someone on the Internet said Tetley tasted like moss. I think it tastes like mostly flavorless black tea. It doesn’t smell like much. The only part that reminds me of black tea is how it leaves the usual tannic flavor on your tongue after drinking it. Do people call this tannic or malty?

I'm not sure why. It also kinda grew on me. Sometimes I miss its mildness.

Ignore me. I’m crazy and subject my taste buds to abuse. Ask the people who’ve watched me put mustard in my rice at lunch.

This tea is weird. It’s dark enough to be milked, but all you really taste is the leftover tongue-feel. It’s not as awful as some other “English Breakfast” black teas out there that turn into a foul watery milky once-tea undrinkable hot mess.

Conclusion: Tetley kind of sucks? For tea-drinking masochists? Drink it straight and black if you must. Lipton might actually have more personality than Tetley. This is my least favorite black tea so far.

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